Friday, April 29, 2005

wHat a dIsgRace...

yUp... gOt a cAlL fRom tHe dOc lE... iTs cOnfIrm dAt the op wIll take plAce oN tUes dEn i wilL gO iN oN mOn... yA... sO dAts aBt iT...

title: What A Disgrace
rEad tHe sTrait tImes todAy dE... wAh pIang... gOt a rUde sHock aRhz... tHat gUy wHu wAs aRrested iN bAngkok "aFter hE alLegedly trIed tO bUy sEx wIth underAge bOys ovEr tHe iNterNet" wAs a lEcturEr iN TP (Applied Science Sch). wAd wOrse wAs tHat hE wAs a tUtor aNd cArepErson oF tWo fRens oF minE...
yStd dE nEwspAper oSo gOt the nEws... wAds wOrse wAs dAt iT wAs oN tHe vEry fIrSt pAge... OMG... iTs sO dIsgrAcefUl... hE wA pIctured cOvering hIs fAce wIf bOth hAnds And bEing lEd aWay bY tHai pOliCe... sInce yOu kNow dOinG tHis kInd oF "xia san lan" tHing iS eMbarrEssIng wHy wOuld yOu wAn tO dO it iN tHe bEgInnIng... dEn nOw kAna cAught lE dUn dAre to fAce Up to yOu hAf dOne... cOver uR fAce lYk aN aH gUa... wAds mOre... kAna cAught nOt becoz u steal oR hAnky pAnky wIf ilLegal pRostitute bUt cAught fOr chilD sEx... sOmEmOre iTs a bOY!... wAh pIang... i tHink tHe sHit u aRe iN iS nOt oNly dEep bUt hElL dEep... eNoUgh tO sUffOcAte u...
i kNow... gUys sOmetIme gOt uRgEs lA... gO fInd a kWay cAn liAo mA... wHy mUz "fA xIe oN a bOy bOy"... wAd kInd oF fEtiSh is dAt... iF u gOt fEtish oVer bOys gO fInd ah gUa lA... aT lEast tHe sHit u wilL bE iN nOt so dEep... aT moSt sTep aNd fAlL oN uR pOo nIa... nOt sAy sIngapore dUn hAf aH gUa... changi eNd gOt sO mAny... aSk aNyoNe oF dEm... tHey wilL bE mOre dEn hAppY to gIf u a rAm uP uR aSs
bUt hOr... u rEalLi sOmetHing... cAn aTtRact the aTtention fRom United States and Australian Interpol Officers... wAh... tOk kOng aRhz... sO AA lIdAt hOr vEry xIa sUay sIngApOreAn dE fAce... i nOe... pPl tHink wE sIngaporeAn gOt sUper lOw sEx dRive bUt oSo nO nEed lidat tElL pPl sIngAporEan mAn cAn "sTand up fOr sIngaPore" mA... tHe sIngapore governement aNd citizEn wilL nOt tHank yOu aRz...
tHis shOws dAt cAnnOt jUdgE a bOok bY iTs cOver... hIs gUy iS a tEacHer... si si wEn wen dE... iN tHe eNd tUrn oUt to bE a sEx oFfEndEr... wHat i cAnnOt tAhan iS wHy mUz hE aIm cHilD fOr hIs sExUAl uRgEs... wHY?... tHis vIctIm iS onLi 16... wHu nOes... mAyb tHere aRe oTher evEn yOunGer? 16 oNli... iTs oNli sLightly yOunGer dEn tHose sTudEnts hE teAch... dOesn't he fEel tHe sEnse oF gUilT... iF hE is fOUnd gUiLty hE wilL bE sEnt eNce to 5 yEars iMprisOnmEnt bUt wAd aBt tHe bOy oR mAyb oTher bOys? tHey wilL bE sCarred fOr liFe... a tRaumA fOr dEm lEhz...
hE tHink jUz bEcOz hE gOt mOney hE cAn dO wAdeVa hE wAns... hE nOes tHis cHild aRe pOor sO hE uSes mOney tO lUre dEm iNto sOMetHing so incOrRigbLe... WTF... u tHink u gOt mOney vEry gReaT aRz... gOt mOney dUnNo hOw tO sPend aRz... gIf mE lA... aT leAst i cAn mAke gOod uSe oUt oF iT... rAther dEn rAmmIng a cHild Ass... iF nOt dOnate tO wAdeVa cHarity lA... aT leAst wHen u dIe mAyb cAn gO hEavEn... nOw i tHink iF yOu dIe... nOt oNli gO tO hElL... tHe "gUys" dOwn dEre rAm hOt bUrnIng cHArcoal iNto ur ass Arz... if nOt sAve tHe mOney gO fInd a cHina wIfe, vietnAm wife or wadeva... jUz a wife... dEn dAt tIme u wAn f**k hEr upsiDe dOwn oSo nO oNe gIf a dAmn...
hAIyo... wad cAn i stIlL sAy (say lIao)... jUz tElL dAt gUy wAsh ur bUtt aNd pRepAre to pRiSon "tun" lIao... hAha... dEre aRe aLot oF gUys iN prIsOn mAybe cAn oNe oF dEm cAn hElp u kIck the hAbit of f**kiNg wIf cHild... mAyb tHeir aSs tAste beTter dEn cHild asS? gOod luck.

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The above posting does not represent the view of the government or
the citizen of Singapore. This is purely a personal opinion. Those who are offended by the above posting in one way or another; Sorry.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

wAitiNg as uSuaL

aIyo... duNno wHy wOke uP aT 10 pLus tOdAy? sO eArly... hAiyo... mY eyes aRe sO dAmN heAvy bUt mY bRain iS sO dAmn aWake... mAybE bEcOz wAitIng fOr a cAlL bAhz... iTs fRom a gUy bUt hE's nO hUnk... iTs tHe dOc fRom hOspItal... hAha... iTs nOthIng lYk aSkinG mE oUt foR a dAte lA... sAy wilL cAlL dE... oSo dUnNo wilL rEmEmbEr a nOt... hA... dUn mAKe mE wAit lYk a fOol mAn... eVerytIme sAy bUsy dUnnO bUsy wIf wAd oSo... sIt iN ofFicE "la kopi" aRhz... hAha... i bEt hE sUre fOrgEt dE... sO foRgetfUl how tO bE dOctoR... dOctOr gOt sO mAny bIg aNd bOmbAstIc mEdiCal tErm aNd pRescRiptIon to rEmemBer... sO fOrgEtfUl... hAiyO... pAtieNt dE lIfe aT rIsk aRhz... hAha

aNywAy... i M wAitiNg fOr tHe dOc to cAlL bEcOz nEed tO coNfIrm tHe op dAte... is nOt dAt i cAn't wAit to gO uNder tHe kNife oR wAd lA ( i am not a psycho hOr)... jUz dUn wAn dRag tOo lOng... drag sO lOng mUz dO evErytHing aGain... sO mAni tEst... hAiyo...
jUz rEmemBer sOmetHing... yStd wAtch tHe cHannel u sHow 9.15pm de (love bites or sOmething lidAt dE)... hAha... dAt gUy i tHink iS cAlL jAsOn dE... aIyo... ji hAo kAn yI xIa... hAha... sO yAndAo... hAha... fRanKly sPeakIng lA... hIs lOoK qUite oK lA... sLighTly aBovE aVerAge bUt hOr hE gOt BMW... wAH!... BMW lehz... pLus pOint Arhz... nOt oNli pLus pOint... iS pLus aLot alOt of pOinT... hAHa... OMG!... a hAndsOme in a cHariot... a BMW cHariot... hAha... its soUnds lYk i lIke tHe cAr mOre dEn tHe pErSon... hA... bUt its a BMW lo... oK... i noE cAnNot fIght wIf jAgUar fErrari oR a lAmbogini bUt "bo jAguar BMW mA ho"... hAha... i aM nOt mAterIallistIc oR wAd bUt wHu dOesn't lIke bIg cAr bIg hOuses aNd bIg mOney? mAyb gOt ppL wHu rEalLi dUn lYk bUt sUre gOt at sOme pOint oF uR lIfe u hOpe to oWn tHese things mA... hAha... wHu dOesn'T wAnt tO sTiKe rIch... yOu sEe alL tHe lOng queue oUtsiDe tHe bEttiNg sTAnd... every sInglE oNe oF dEm Are dYing to sTriKe rIch lO... hAha...
coUntInG dOwn: -p-o-s-t-p-o-n-e-


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

pOstpOne lIao

hAi... pLans kAna pOstpOne lE... bcOz "lItTle rEd rIdiNg hOod" cAme to vIsit... aIyo... sO dAmn lUcky... tOto 4D oSo nOt sO hEng aRhz... nOw wAitiNg fOr tHe dOc cAlL tOmOlo tO sEe pOstPonE to wHen... kEep u alL iNfOrm lO...

tOdAy iN tOilEt dO bUsiNesS dAt tIme cAme acRoss tHe 20-27 jAn'05 dE 8 dAys dEn rEad aBout sOmethIng sO iNterEstIng... cLicK hEre tO vIew... hAha... cAnnOt bElIeve gOt sO iNterEstIng fLavOur dE iCe cReAm... bUt iT dOesn'T lOok vEry aPpEaliNg tO mE... tReaT mE eAt oSo dUn wAn... sTilL pReFer tRditIonaL fLavoUr dE iCe cReam... hAhA... dulL bUt aT leAst i nO nEed tO "ton" in tHe tOilEt...

tHeSe fEw dAys dE wEathEr dAmn hOt... fEel sO sWeAty eVery hOur... hAiyo... no nEed gO gYm eXercIse oSo cAn jIan fEi lE... hAHa...

cOuNtIng dOwn: -p-o-s-t-p-o-n-e-
ps: sORry fOr sUch a sHort pOst bUt nOtHing mUch tO wrIte lEhz...


Sunday, April 24, 2005

mAY, jAs aNd tHe hOrny gEniUs

hErE cOmEs tHe wAlKiNg bOtTlE oF dEtToL... hAha
sTarTeD uSinNg dAt pInKy cOlOuR shOweR fOam... hA... nEvEr iN mY wHoLe lIfe i fEly sO bActEriA fReE (tHe sOap iS uSe to kIlL bActEriA dE) ... hAha... aCtuAlLy tHe sMelL wAs'nT dAt bAd lA... bUt sTilL dUn lYk... iT is eXacTly tHe sAme kInd oF sOap uSe iN tHE hOspItAl wArd tO uSe wAsh hAnd dE... hA...

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dAt pic on tOp iS tHe oRigInal boTtLe... hAha...

hAhA... tOkIng tO jAs nOw... dEn gOsSipPinG aBt mAy... hAha... sHe sEem lYk gOt mOre nU rEn wEi lIao... hAhA... mAy mUz gO wAsh uR aRmPit... gOt nU rEn wEi aRhz... hAHa... jAs sAy mAyb sHe sEeiNg sOmeoNe lE... hA... hMm... wHu aRhz... aiYa... ur cLasS so mAni gUys iXxit aNyoNe oF dEm... hAha...

hEy i not 3 8 okie... is i cOncErn aBt u lEhz... sEldOm gOt cOncErn aBt u lYk me lIdAt dE hOr... sO mUz zHen xI lEhz... hAha... iF tOo sHy tO sAY cAn uSe ActIon mA... nExt tIme bRinG hIm aLonG wHen u gO oUt... hAha...

jAs... rEmemBer mY pLan lEhz... sUre wOrk dE... tHe rEsuLt nOt 100% bUt 200% hA... dEpEnds oN uR skIlL lIao... hAHaha.... the eNdiNg rEsult = 2 rEd sPotLigHt. cAn sEe eVen fRom JuroNg aRhz... aM i a gEniUs?... hAha... sHld bE hOrny gEniUs



1: Strip... and i mean alL.... *wee wit*

2: Powerpuff Powermouth.... *delicious*

3: TLC... not Tender Loving Care but... Tender Loving Caress... *aHhhh*

cOuntIng dOwn: 3 dAys


Saturday, April 23, 2005

gOt a nEw bUt oLd fOne... HUH?!

gOt a nEw bUt oLd pHoNe... HUH?! cOnfUsed?
oKie... i tRadE iN mY pAnAsOnIc pHone fOr a sEcoNd hAnd nOkiA 6610i... yAh... dOwngRade iT... rEalLi rEgrEt nOw... cOz mY x66 dE cAmerA iS bEtTer dEn hIs pHone... oSo... iTs cUte! hAi... duNnO wAd i wAs tHinkIng... DAMN! dEn hIs pRevIous oWnEr lEft alL is dAmn fUckIng pIc iN tHe fOldeR... i dUn mEan pIcs oF hIm fUckiNg... hAHa... aNd dEre aRe alL tHose aH bEng rIngtOne in tHe fOne oSo... KNS... mAke mE sPend oNe wHolE nIghT dElEtiNg tHeM... i miss my x66... so mAni nIce pIc alL gOne... hA... wHueVa tHe hElL bOugHt mY hP wilL bE dAmn lUcky... cAn sEe cHio bU iNsIde... hAHa... bHb...

hAi... dUn tOk aBout fOne lIao... dAys aRe nUmbEred lE... nOno... i nOt sUfFerIng fRom tErmInaL sIckNesS... hAha... rEad mY pReViOus bLog jIu nOe lE... lEt mE sEe... sTilL gOt 4 dAys... hAi... oH yA... tOmOlo sTarT uSinG tHe pInkY sHowEr fOam fRom hOspItAl lE... EeWww... tHe nUrsE sAy tO kIlL bActEriA... hAi... mUz uSe uNtIl tHe dAy i gO uNdEr tHe kNife... hAi... i smElLs kIndA ____... wAds wOrsE wHen sHe aSk mE tO uSe dAt tHinG tO wAsh mY hAir... aIyO... i gOiNg tO sMelL lYk a wAlkIng bOtTle oF dEtoL lE... hAhA... hAiyO...

rUshIng oF tO bUy a dOzeN oF pErFume lE... hA...

cOunTinG dOwn: 4 dAys


Thursday, April 21, 2005

wAn to cHange hP... dUnNo wAd mOdEl tO cHanGe lEhz... i wAn nOkIa dE... gOt cAm dEn gOt iNfRarEd oSo... mOst iMp... nOt tOo eX... gOt bUdgEt...


cOunTiNg dOwn: 6 dAys tO gO...


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

sUpRisE sUprIse aNd mOre sUprIse

gOt a sHock oF mY lIfe tOdAy... wAH... wHen oUt wIf "gReEn tEa" tOdAy aNd dEn wHen wE pLay pOol dAt tIme i sUdDenly mEntIon aBt "xIa0 qIanG" dEn sHe sAy hE aTtach lE...
OkIe... tHat iS sHock nUmbEr oNe... dEn wHen i aSk to wHom... sHe sAy "tHe oNe u aRe tOkIng tO"... i aLmOst gOt hEart atTacK... dAts sHocK nUmBer tWo... bUt fEel hApPy fOr hEr bUt dAt mEans mInuS oNe elIgIbLe bAchelOr lE... hAiyo... hAha...

i bOught a fRaMed sPecs toDay... n i tHink i lOoK gOod iN iT... hEhe... i dUn tHink i m pHoTOgenIc... hA... oSo... tHis pIc iS FUGLY... mEssy hAir... oVersIze Tee... wOrse oF alL... mY eYe lYk a bIt cUckoO lIdAt

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wElL... i bOughT iT aT cEntUry sQuare fOr $16 bUt lAter kIndA rEgrEt cOz sHld hAf gOne bUgis vIllAge bUy dEn cAn bArgAin... hAha... aUnty aRhz... lAter me aNd mAy wHen to oRcHArd dE HMV cOz mAy wAn gO 37 dEgReEs... dEn aFtEr dAt wAlk tO PS... dEn on tHe wAy oUtsIde sOmeRsEt mRT sTatIoN gOt tHis gUy aPpRoacH uS... i tOt hE wAn oUr tElepHoNe nUmbEr... hAha... hE tUrn oUt tO bE a sAlesMan... (-_-")... fRom sOme pArEntiNg socIety to hElp jUvenIle dAt cOme fRom bRokEn hOme dE... dEn hE wAs tRyiNg to sElL uS tHis cArdhOldEr to rAise fUnds... hE sAid: "u cAn bUy oNe fOr uRsElf tO uSe"... hA... dEn i tOld hIm: "nO nEed... i dUn hAf aNy nAmecArd... sTilL stUdenT lA..." dUnNo hIs eYe "ta" stAmp oR wAd... tHe wAy i dReSs iTs oBviOusly a sTudEnt lIao... nEed nAme cArd fOr wAd... i dUn nEed to "prOmOte" mysElf iN sCh hOr... dEn hE wAs tRyiNg tO tOk uS iNtO bUyiNg... dEn hE sAy... "aIya... u tWo lOoK lYk eVery moNth gOt aLot oF pOcKet mOney dE... $5 is noThinG lO"... excUse mE... eVen iF i dAmn bLoOdy rIch i wUn bUy sUmtHing i dUn eVen nEed lO... hA... bUt dEn dAt pOor mAy ( i dun mean no $ but kE lian de mAy) wEnt to bUy iT fOr hEr pApa... hAha... i cAnnOt uNdeRsTand y tHey dUn wAn gO sHentOn wAy or rAfFles pLacE dEre rAise fUnds aRhz... dEre mOre oFfiCe wOrKer mA... dEn tHE tEndeNcy oF tHem oWniNg nAmEcArds wOuld bE gReAter... sO tHe cHancEs oF thEm bUyiNg wOuLd be hIgHer... rIte? hAiyO... sUch a sImpLe tHing oSo cAnnOt tHiNk oF iT... hAiyo... oTher dEn dUmb wAd cAn i sAy? eXtrEmely dUmb? suPer dUpEr eXtrEmelY dUmb? wAdeVa... iTs jUz DUMB!

cOunTinG dOwn: 7 dAys to gO (dAts eXactLy a wEek fRom nOw... gOsh!)


Tuesday, April 19, 2005


wEnt sHoPpIng fOr qUizeS oNliNe aNd i hApPen to cOme acRoSs tHis wEbsIte dAt ofFerS lOtSa wEirD qUizes... aNd i tOoK sOme oF tHem aNd hEre aRe dA reSults...

Revenge killer

You kill for revenge.
That is because you have lost something or
someone you held very dear. Now you can't seem
to get over the loss that marked your soul, and
the only solution is to go after the one person
who brought all this pain to you. Chances are
you are angry inside and you bottle everything
up and don't talk to anyone about it. People
may want to help, but you think that they can
never understand your pain and only get
frustrated because of this. But it is important
to see all that you have left and be thankful
of that even if you have lost something great.
It may not be true that Times heals all wounds,
but with time and talking about your feelings,
maybe the hurt will ease.

Main weapon: Yourself
Quote: "You can close your eyes to
reality but not to memories" -Stainslaw J. Lec
Facial expression: Gritted teeth and
teary eyes

You like the sweet, shy type.

What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

okIe tHis oNe iS kIndA kInkY aNd gRoss bUt iTs fUn lA... tHose UndEr 16 aRe nOt alLowed... hAhA

You likey gorilla, Princess Peach? Watch it beat
it's chest as you beat something else ... oooh
baby. Put of by the flees? Don't worry, think
of the possitions you could do ... feeling
better? I didn't think so..

Like games or roleplay? Here's a great one that
has nothing to do with beastiality:

What animal would you have sex with (If you had to)?
brought to you by Quizilla

tHis oNe aBouT mY pErsOnaliTy iS qUite tRue... hMm...

You're a very mellow, care-free person. Your
exactly what calm, cool, and collected mean.
You never overreact or panic in a bad situation
and you always know what to do. Everyone goes
to you for advice because you never lose your
head so your very reliable. You tend to take
everything in stride, like in school your moto
is just sit back and relax not to say you dont
pay attention and work, but you dont overexert
yourself. Even though people come to you for
counciling(sp?) you can still be very quite,
your not good with making new friends, but your
extremely close to the ones you have. Remember
its ok to put your emotions out there even
though there is a chance they might get hurt.
Also in school sometimes its good to stress out
a little, just because you think you dont need
to study doesnt mean you should'nt, and also
try to push yourself more even though you might
be good where you are doesnt mean you can,t be

Whats Your Personality(with PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla

Light element
Your element is Light. Your heart is pure and
shining with love. You believe in the goodness
of those around you and give almost everyone a
smile. You are not the kind to hide your
happiness and tend to smile all day long, both
in and out. But when sadness hits you, you
become very devastated and may be upset for
quite some time. What you need in your life is
friends, friends who will love you
unconditionally, like you love them. But you
have a naive nature and don't always notice
when someone is trying to hurt you. Some would
say you are oblivious to mean people, which
makes you an easy target. However, your true
friends will probably be there for you and save
you. In school you are either the popular one
or the little weird one. It all depends if
"the higher people" find your caring
side irritating or not. Nevertheless, you have
a bubbly personality and are social. Big partys
may not be your thing since you want bonding
time with your friends, so slumber-partys fit
you more. You like the happy things in life and
like everyone else to be as happy as you are.

What is your element? [with pics + 7 outcomes + detailed answeres!]
brought to you by Quizilla>
yA... so dAts aBoUt iT... iF gOt aNy iNterEstIng dE i wIlL pOst iT uP...


Monday, April 18, 2005

gOtTa sWeEp aNd mOp tHe fLoOr b4 mY mUmMY gEts bAck... dAmn... ITS MONDAY AND I'VE GOT MONDAY BLUES!... hAI... y cAn't sHe hIre a mAid oR wAd? mAybE a pArt-tIme wIlL bE jUz aS gOod...
sToP cAlLinG mE a lAzYbUM cOz iTs nOt dAt i dUn wAn tO dO... i'vE gOt oTheR bEtTer tHinGs to dO oKie? I DO HOUSE WORK TOO K?! i fOld dA cLoTheS, iRon mY cLotHes wAsh dA dIshEs... aLtHoUgh i dUn dO dEm eVerYtiMe i sTilL dId dEm aT lEasT tWice iN mY eNtIrE lIfe!.. i'Ve cOnTRiBuTed tO tHis hOme... aLtHoUgh nOt aS mUch aS u dId... wAdEvA...
aNywAe dAt lOad oF wOrds aBove iS wAd i wAntEd tO tElL mY mUmMy bUt nO gUts lA... sO i bLabBereD eVerYthIng oUt oN dA bLog...
mAY... sOrRy fOr nIt bEing aBle tO aCcOmPany u tO cIneleiSure... cOz i gOt tHinGs to dO... u sHlD nOe wAd i nEed tO dO lE aFteR rEadIng mOi bLog... aIyA... wEd dEn gO ouT lO... sOrRy aR...
wAtchEd tHe nKf sHow yStd niGht... kIndA dIsApPoiNteD cOz iT wAsn't dAt iNtEreStiNg lEhz... tHe wHolE sHow i oNlI eNjOy dAt hUman mUsicAl fOunTain aNd dA sKit bY gUrmIt aNd mArk lEe... aLtHough tHe sKit wAs nOt vEry fUnNi bUt iTs eNtErtAinINg lO... i dUn mEan tOo sAy tHe oThers wAs lOusy cOz tHey gOt pUt iN aLot oF eFfOrt lE lA... eSpeCialLy tHE lAst sAgMent... sOmehOw tHe sHow wAs nOt uP tO mY sTandArd lA... tHe sTunTs wHerE kIndA dEjAvu tO mE... tHe oNe wHere tHe aRtiStes hAf tO hAng uPsIdE dOwn aNd pLay mUsicAl iNstrUmEnt... dAt oNe wAs qUite sImILar to tHe rEn cI sHow wHere kYm nG hAng uPsidE dOwn tO peRfOrm a SkiT... dEN gOt tHe oNe wHerE tHe aRtisTe hAd tO "reScUe" kYm Ng fRom tHe tAnk... dAt oNe i rEmeMber a fEw yEars aGO tHe hOng Hui fAng oSo gOt pErfOrm b4... sOmEthIng lYk lAst nIght's... aLtHouGh iT wAs kIndA rePeaTed bUt tHey pUt uP A cOmmEndArAblE(dunnoe spell correct mA) sHow... lYk wAd i aLwAes sAy... iTs tHe hEart dAt cOunts...
cOunTiNg dOwn: 9 dAys tO gO


Sunday, April 17, 2005

tHe rOyAl iNvItaTiOn

wAh... sO fAst sUnday lIao... tOmoLo aNothEr nEw wEek lE... bTw... i wAs wOndErIng wHeTheR sUndAy iS tHE bEgInNing oF tHe wEek oR mOndAy is tHe bEgInNing oF tHe wEek huh?
jUz rEad a fRen bLog... sHe iS so ~te... gO ouT wIf hEr fRen nEver gO oUt wIf mE and jAs... hEY! i m nOt jEalOus oR wAd lO... iS jUz dAt sHe sO dAmn uNfAir... oKie... cAn mInuS tHe dAmn cOz i sOunD sO pIssEd oFf... hA... i m nOt anGry oR wAd... jUz a caSual cOmMenT tHough.... hA... hAi... i nOe sHe vEry bUsy dE... gO ouT nEed tO inVitE dE... sO, mAy rEad as fOllows:
Dear Miss Lim Khin Ying May
RE: Invitation on 20th April 2005 (Wednesday)
do I Kelly have the honour to invite you Miss Lim to go out wif me on the above date? The venue and time will be confirm at a much later date. I hope you could spare us some time at your mercy and I am looking forwarding to meeting you soon. Thank You
Your sincerely,
(your long time no seen friend)
ps: please leave me a sms once u see thie letter. Hope to hear from you asap. Thank You.
hAha... i m so damn idiotic...
today read the sunday times came across the article about one PSC scholar kana call racist... not sure wad the hell he wrote in his blog but den i learn something from it... ITS NOT GOOD BEING TOO SMART... juz lyk me... write load for rubbish is better den a page full of controversial stuff... den in the end kana "hong" by ppl den now busy publishing sorry posting on his blog... hAha... but quite "ko lian" la... maybe he realli juz say say nia... not purposely de... hAi... sometimes muz be realli careful on wad to say...
hAi... aNywAy... nOthing Much to sAy oSo... i gO tAke aFternOon nAp lE... iF lAter gOt tHink oF sOmethiNg lE dEn wrIte agAin...


Saturday, April 16, 2005

nO tItLe

haiyo... dAt computer going haywire le... gUess iT is tRying to protest to mE dAt i oVerwOrk iT... hAhA... sO maNy daYs no bLog Le... gOt mAny tHinGs to sAy...
11.04.05 (Mon)
gO kbOx wiF vEroN, sIew Huang & eUnICe... sAng aLot of sOngs... hA... dEn aFter dAt go PS see movie... Miss Congeniality 2... hAha... niCe sHow... dEn aFter mOvie suPposE tO gO cUt hAir de... den my stoopiD mAma cAlled aSk me gO hOme... dEn bo pIan... hAi... tHe wHolE fAce tUrn bLack... dEn lAter vEron n hS quArrEl dEn sHe cRy all tHe wAy fRom the dHobY gHaut mRT stAtIon tO hG sTatiOn... hA... leAve bEhinD a tRack fulL oF tEars aNd mAscaRA... hEhe... iN tHe eND tHey sTilL hAppIly eVer After...
12.04.05 - 14.04.05 (Tues - tHurs)
nOthIng mUch lO... stAy aT hOme slEep n wAtch TV... nEver oNlinE cOz cOm wAs dOwn... tHurs gO cUt hAir... nOt mUch dIff lA... sO dUn exPect too mUch... hA... rEalLi sIan duRing tHesE fEw dAys... hA...
15.04.05 (Fri)
gO NUH sEe dOc aNd tHe fInancIal cOnselloR... tOk abt tHE wArd cLass aNd stUff... dEn tHe financial Con. told mY mum dAt the estimated hospital bIlL wOuld bE $12,000... gOD!... aLmoSt fAinted... hA... den $5,000+ cAn clAim fRom medisave ar... den the rest would be bY cAsh... wAh... sIbEi eXpensIve lEhz... i oSo nevEr sTay A1 wArd leHz... oNli B1 niA... hAi... dEn cOnfiRm evErythIng le... 26 going kAna aDmitTed aT 3pm... tHe wArd nO sTill dUnNo... dEn 27 oP lIao... aFter dAt i gO fOr xrAy aNd tHoSe fUnNi fUnNi tEst aNd gOt bLoOd tEst... wAh... dAt onE alMost oNe mY lIfe... dRaw 6 tUbes oF bLood fOr tEst... Argh... dEn lAter aT 12 go see tHe cArdIac cAre nUrse... dEn shE sHow tHe sLide sHow aNd a bOoKlEt aBt tHe bEfoRe, dUring And afTer oP cAre lO... wAh... afTer tHe shOw i wAs lYk stUn tIo... dAmn... dUnno hOw tO sAe... bUt tHe fEelIng iS lyk see fInish seeing horror mOviE liDat... tHe sLide sHow shOw hOw i wIlL lOoK lYk jUz aFter op... aIyo... sO mAni tUbes... fEw tUbes at tHe sIde oF mOi nEck... tHey cAlL dAt tHe cEntrAl lIne whEre tHey meAsUre alL tHe heArt pressure n stuff... den gOt tUbe on mOi hAnd... iNtraveneous lIne aR... dEn gOt to hOle neAr mE stOmacH dEre to sUck out dIrty bLood inTo to 2 "water bottle" lyk bottle den still gOt alOt aLot of tUbes aNd lIne... cAn iMagIne mE lYk hUman pOwersTation lIdAt... sO mAni cAblE aNd wIre aNd tUbes... hAhA... dEn tHe cArdiAc cAre nUrse sAy i wIlL bE iN CTICU (cardiac thoaric intensive care unit - wArd 20) for abt 2 dAys... hAiyo... dEn lAter sEe tHe pHsiOthErapist... wAh... sHe dAmn yOung liDat... gOt onE taTtoo aT hEr anKle dEre... sO hIp... hAha... dEn sHe tEacH mE hoW to uSe tHe spirometer (below got dA pIc)... hA...

Image hosted by

afTer dAt... i gO orChard kLkk... dEn gO hOme lO... hA... aT nIght wAtch dAt 9pm shOw... cHannEl 8 de... abt NKF de... dAt gUy inSide act aS lIang yI dAt aH bEng wiF pUrpLe fRinge... hE so sUai... hA...
wAh... i tHink i sTop lIao lA... sO loNg aR thIs pOstIng... hA... pAisAe...


Sunday, April 10, 2005

[no title]

... kinda bored today coz nothing much happen lehz... stayed at home do my blog and watch tv lo... hA... 4.30pm watch dat kindered spirit... hA... sounds very ~e but really nothing to do wAd... cannot blame me... my mama was nagging at me why muz i watch some draggy show when she herself was watching as well? hAiyo... the pot dun say the kettle black...
later 7pm lidat watch dat NKF show... okie lA... not dat boring... now still watching oso... dAt zhou hua jian singing dat song... jUz now got oNe singer call zhen ni (jenny) i think whu sang the song "we are the world... we are the children..." wAh... sHe hAd bOtox... hAha... iTs dAmn obvious lO... gOt crow feet at her eyes dere but her complexion wAs very good for her age... hA... never mind dat botox thing... Her voice was realli FANTASTIC! so damn strong... tHrEe chEeRs for her singing...
dAt zhou hua jian still singing... he singing dAt song "pEng you"... hA... everytime sing dat song dE... bUt vEry meaningful though... dEn dere's the Mrs Goh Cheok Thong (Goh Cheok Thong's wife) singing along bUt sHe gOt the lYrics wrong... dUnno how to sing dun sing lA... xia suay urself... i tot shang liu society very ai mian zi de... hA... xia suay urself on national tv... hAha... bUdden she realli quite support NKF... everytime oso come...
dun make any call tonight... mama say next week den call... next week de show more kan cheong... but hor the mastercard very NICE... diamond studded de... super classy lehz... i wAn lEhz... but hor... where got so hEng de... the ratio of me tio dat thing is so minimal... as small as ant or maybe even smaller lehz... if so lucky will tio dat card already tio toto long long time ago lO... hAha... tHe shOw ending soOn lE... bReak record liAo... the last time i saw was 1,968,498... alot hor... den when u mutiply by $5 per call (shld be lA) it will be.... $9,842,490 estimated... wAh... *drooling*... hAha...
dAmn tired lE... so not writing liao... anyway tomolo going out lo... hEhe...
