wHat a dIsgRace...
yUp... gOt a cAlL fRom tHe dOc lE... iTs cOnfIrm dAt the op wIll take plAce oN tUes dEn i wilL gO iN oN mOn... yA... sO dAts aBt iT...
title: What A Disgrace
rEad tHe sTrait tImes todAy dE... wAh pIang... gOt a rUde sHock aRhz... tHat gUy wHu wAs aRrested iN bAngkok "aFter hE alLegedly trIed tO bUy sEx wIth underAge bOys ovEr tHe iNterNet" wAs a lEcturEr iN TP (Applied Science Sch). wAd wOrse wAs tHat hE wAs a tUtor aNd cArepErson oF tWo fRens oF minE...
yStd dE nEwspAper oSo gOt the nEws... wAds wOrse wAs dAt iT wAs oN tHe vEry fIrSt pAge... OMG... iTs sO dIsgrAcefUl... hE wA pIctured cOvering hIs fAce wIf bOth hAnds And bEing lEd aWay bY tHai pOliCe... sInce yOu kNow dOinG tHis kInd oF "xia san lan" tHing iS eMbarrEssIng wHy wOuld yOu wAn tO dO it iN tHe bEgInnIng... dEn nOw kAna cAught lE dUn dAre to fAce Up to yOu hAf dOne... cOver uR fAce lYk aN aH gUa... wAds mOre... kAna cAught nOt becoz u steal oR hAnky pAnky wIf ilLegal pRostitute bUt cAught fOr chilD sEx... sOmEmOre iTs a bOY!... wAh pIang... i tHink tHe sHit u aRe iN iS nOt oNly dEep bUt hElL dEep... eNoUgh tO sUffOcAte u...
i kNow... gUys sOmetIme gOt uRgEs lA... gO fInd a kWay cAn liAo mA... wHy mUz "fA xIe oN a bOy bOy"... wAd kInd oF fEtiSh is dAt... iF u gOt fEtish oVer bOys gO fInd ah gUa lA... aT lEast tHe sHit u wilL bE iN nOt so dEep... aT moSt sTep aNd fAlL oN uR pOo nIa... nOt sAy sIngapore dUn hAf aH gUa... changi eNd gOt sO mAny... aSk aNyoNe oF dEm... tHey wilL bE mOre dEn hAppY to gIf u a rAm uP uR aSs
bUt hOr... u rEalLi sOmetHing... cAn aTtRact the aTtention fRom United States and Australian Interpol Officers... wAh... tOk kOng aRhz... sO AA lIdAt hOr vEry xIa sUay sIngApOreAn dE fAce... i nOe... pPl tHink wE sIngaporeAn gOt sUper lOw sEx dRive bUt oSo nO nEed lidat tElL pPl sIngAporEan mAn cAn "sTand up fOr sIngaPore" mA... tHe sIngapore governement aNd citizEn wilL nOt tHank yOu aRz...
tHis shOws dAt cAnnOt jUdgE a bOok bY iTs cOver... hIs gUy iS a tEacHer... si si wEn wen dE... iN tHe eNd tUrn oUt to bE a sEx oFfEndEr... wHat i cAnnOt tAhan iS wHy mUz hE aIm cHilD fOr hIs sExUAl uRgEs... wHY?... tHis vIctIm iS onLi 16... wHu nOes... mAyb tHere aRe oTher evEn yOunGer? 16 oNli... iTs oNli sLightly yOunGer dEn tHose sTudEnts hE teAch... dOesn't he fEel tHe sEnse oF gUilT... iF hE is fOUnd gUiLty hE wilL bE sEnt eNce to 5 yEars iMprisOnmEnt bUt wAd aBt tHe bOy oR mAyb oTher bOys? tHey wilL bE sCarred fOr liFe... a tRaumA fOr dEm lEhz...
hE tHink jUz bEcOz hE gOt mOney hE cAn dO wAdeVa hE wAns... hE nOes tHis cHild aRe pOor sO hE uSes mOney tO lUre dEm iNto sOMetHing so incOrRigbLe... WTF... u tHink u gOt mOney vEry gReaT aRz... gOt mOney dUnNo hOw tO sPend aRz... gIf mE lA... aT leAst i cAn mAke gOod uSe oUt oF iT... rAther dEn rAmmIng a cHild Ass... iF nOt dOnate tO wAdeVa cHarity lA... aT leAst wHen u dIe mAyb cAn gO hEavEn... nOw i tHink iF yOu dIe... nOt oNli gO tO hElL... tHe "gUys" dOwn dEre rAm hOt bUrnIng cHArcoal iNto ur ass Arz... if nOt sAve tHe mOney gO fInd a cHina wIfe, vietnAm wife or wadeva... jUz a wife... dEn dAt tIme u wAn f**k hEr upsiDe dOwn oSo nO oNe gIf a dAmn...
hAIyo... wad cAn i stIlL sAy (say lIao)... jUz tElL dAt gUy wAsh ur bUtt aNd pRepAre to pRiSon "tun" lIao... hAha... dEre aRe aLot oF gUys iN prIsOn mAybe cAn oNe oF dEm cAn hElp u kIck the hAbit of f**kiNg wIf cHild... mAyb tHeir aSs tAste beTter dEn cHild asS? gOod luck.
The above posting does not represent the view of the government or the citizen of Singapore. This is purely a personal opinion. Those who are offended by the above posting in one way or another; Sorry.
Labels: 2005
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