Saturday, May 28, 2005


i M in sCh nOw... yA... iTs sAtuRsAy mOrnIng aNd i M iN sCh... fOr wAD?... mAkeuP lEssOn... hAiz... sO sLeEpy... kIndA lOok vEry bLur... iTs tHe fIrst tIme i mEet mY nEw cLaSs mAtes... iTs sO bOring aRhz... hAi...

sTarted sCh tHis wEek oN tUesdAy lE... qUite oK buT alOt oF sUbjEct... gOt pSyco fOr CDS... hAha... lOoks kIndA fUn bUt sEems lyk gOt a lOt oF qUize aNd tEst... mY eArlIest lEsSon iS aT 9Am aNd lAteSt iS aT 11Am... bUt alL mY lEssOn eNd aT 4 oR 5... oNlI tHurs iS aT 7pM... aRghZ...
dAt tIme wHen tO bK wIf vEron aFter sCh to eAt dEn sHe aSk mE wAd kInd oF gUys i lYk.. hAha... tHis iS wAd i tOld hEr (gUys liSten uP tOo... iF u fIt iNto tHe cAtegOry dRop mE a mSg aT
1. nO nEed tOo hAndsOme... pReSentAblE cAn lE... tOo hAndsOme wIlL hAf a lOt oF tAo hUa yUn
2. gOod cHaracTer wHich mEans nO aTtiTude pRoblEm, nOt aN MCP


Sunday, May 22, 2005

... lAzy...

hEy!... i M bAck lE... aCtuAlLy cAn bE bAck eArlIer bUt kIndA lAzy tO bLog... hAhA...
i M dOiNg wElL... gOing bAck sCh lE... kIndA sIan... dUn fEel lYk sTudyIng cOz dIff cLaz aS mY bAObEi... hAi... qUite bUsy lA... oNli nOt sUre hOw tO eArn 9CUs of CDS cOz lAst sEm dE CDS fLunk... Yr2 2nd sEm gOt CDS ma? iF dUn hAf mUz tAke 2 lIao... dEn wLd be hElL bUsy

aNywAy nTh tO sAy... wilL pOst At a lAter dAte aBt mOi sTay iN tHe "hOtEl"... hAha...

hAf fUn aNd tAke cAre... lUv yA


Monday, May 02, 2005

fInal Count down...

dOing tHe fInal cOuntdOwn lOhz...

cOuntIng dOwn: 1 dAy to gO

i wIlL bE aWay lIao... wAnt tO lOok fOr mE gO NUH lOhz...

oH... tHe ex-pResIdeNt oF sIngApoRe pAss aWay lE... nOt mY buSinesS lA... jUz fOr yOuR iNfo... hAha

The night is over
This masquerade is getting older
Light are low
The curtains down
There's no one here
There's no one here.. there's no one in the crowd
Say your lines
But do you feel them
Do you mean what you say
When there's no one around
Watching you watching me
One lonely star
One lonely star you don't know who you are
I've always been in love with you
I guess you've always known it's true
You took my love for granted why oh why
The show is over say good-bye
Say good-bye
Say good-bye
Make them laugh
It comes so easy
When you get to the part
Where you're breaking my heart
Hide behind your smile
All the world loves a clown
Just make 'em smile the whole world loves a clown
Wish you well
I cannot stay
You deserve an award
For the role that you played
No more masquerade
You're one lonely star
One lonely star and you don't know who you are
I've always been in love with you
I guess you've always known it's true
You took my love for granted why oh why
The show is over say good-bye
I've always been in love with you
I guess you've always known it's true
You took my love for granted why oh why
The show is over say good-bye

Say good-bye
Say good-bye
All the world is a stage
And everyone has their part
But how was I to know
Which way the story'd go
How was I to know you'd break
You'd break you'd break you'd break
You'd break my heart
I've always been in love with you
Guess you've always known
You took my love for granted why oh why
The show is over say good-bye
I've always been in love with you
Guess you've always known
You took my love for granted why oh why
The show is over say good-bye
Say good-bye
Say good-bye
Say good-bye


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Sunday, May 01, 2005

oH... lAbOur dAy

1... 2... 3... PUSH! 1... 2... 3... PUSH!
hAha... hApPy lAbOur dAy... hEhe... iTs sO gOod tO hAf a publIc hOlidAy fAlLinG oN sUndAy... dEn mOndAy oSo hOlidAy lE... bUt nOw sCh hOli oSo nO dIff... hAHa

bOughT hARry pOtTer bOok - tHe oRdEr of tHe phoEnIx aT bOrdErs... gUesS hOw mUch wAs iT? $30? nAh!... $20? nOnO!... i bOught iT fOr $7.95! dIrt cHeaP sIa... cAnnOt bEliEve iT oSo... i tOt tHe pRice tAg tYpe wRong... hAhA... dEn i gO aSk tHe cAshiEr dEn sHe sAy yA... OMG!... the oRigInal pRice wAs $41.95... a dIff oF $41.95 - $7.95 = $34... wAh... $34 lEhz... lucky lAst tIme nEver bUy aRbo LoOgI $34 aRz... HENG ARH! qUick qUick gO bUy... aCt lYk a tyPicAl sIngApoReAn... BE KIASU!... hAha

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cOunTiNg dOwn: 2 dAys tO gO
